Friday, July 22, 2011


I've gone to the Cats on this Friday!

The postcard I'm sharing is from
The Cat Postcard Book c 1987 by Running Press Book Publishers.

Cat Postcard

The back of the postcard reads:
Cat and Butterfly, Edo period, 
Ukiyo-e school, by Hokusai (Japanese, 1760-1849).
Painting on paper.
Courtesy of the Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C., Acc. No . 02.42

The kitty in the postcard reminds me of my furbaby,
She's the star of the Haiku for today.

Cassie knows no fear
flying through the air with ease
slowed down with bad knees


Cassie had a bad weekend.
She was playing with my other furbaby, Teddy, when I heard her hiss at him.
She never hisses.
When I checked on them Cassie was holding one of her hind legs out at an odd angle.
A few minutes later she was walking on all fours,
but the day was off to a not so good start.
To make a long story short ... Cassie has a dislocated hip and bad knee caps!
Her growth plates are still open and as long as she is getting around and not in any distress,
we are in a holding pattern.
Today she's been flying through the air ... just like old times.
Off to the vet again next week to see how things look. 

Cassie and Teddy have a friend named Luna
and were featured on Luna's blog last week.
If you like kitties, you should visit!

The Lovely Luna



A big thank you to our hostesses:

Wishing YOU well and a joy filled weekend.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

My cat dislocated one of her front legs once. I rushed her to the vet who, while manipulating it to see if it was broken, just popped it back into place! She's never had any trouble since. But boy, it's scary when it happens!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The artwork is exquisite, the haiku whimsical--what more could one ask? :-)

Sherry said...

Poor Cassie...hope everything is okay when you go back to the vet. xo

Pondside said...

Poor Cassie!
I think the look on the face of the cat in the postcard is lovely.

Vinay Leo R. said...

Your Cassie's ease with flight reminded me of Macavity's ease with stealth :D Nice!

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Love the grin on the postcard kitty! Best wishes to Cassie, slow down girl!

Rosie said...

Your cat is so pretty (and don't tell her I said that!) and I'm sorry she has health issues. I have a Yorkie with a short lower jaw, too many teeth and awful breath, who has the most adorable face and joie de vivre... Loved your haiku too!
Good luck at the vet's!

Rosie Gan said...

I read your profile and see that we have a few very important things in common...we like teapot/cups and garlic!!!I'm following your blog, haha.

Anonymous said...

sweet kitty love here!

have a great weekend

Janet said...

Lots of kitty goodness here. I hope Cassie is ok.

Spadoman said...

I think that wonderful haiku would lend itself to all of us old ones. Just change the name and it would be me, bad legs and all, although I'm not too sure about that flying through the air stuff. Maybe more like gliding from the sofa to the bed.


Heather said...

Love the card and that gorgeous cat drawing at the bottom. Is that a card as well?

MJ said...

Awww, best wishes to your Cassie! Glad she is feeling better though :). Great haiku and cute icad!! Have a great weekend!

Wildflowerhouse said...

Your Cassie is beautiful. My Siamese
Bear was killed by a coyote who came right up on the deck and snatched him while I was answering the phone. I never let him out of my site and we would nap on the lounge chair on sunny days. I miss him dearly. My cats never go outside. He was the exception. Never again.

Funoldhag said...

Enjoyed your post! Hope Cassie continues to be okay - she's a pretty kitty. Have fun this weekend.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

These cuties sure put smile in my face. Thanks for sharing

Visiting from PFF

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute postcard, Snap... Sorry about Cassie... I understand how she feels sometimes since I feel some of the aches and pains of getting OLD... Darn!

rebecca said...

tea and cats, what could possibly be better?

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Poor baby kitty. Hope she is doing better now. She is so lovely--and so are all your kitties.

Dawn Elliott said...

As a cat owner myself, I really enjoy posts about other people's felines. Too sweet!

foxysue said...

I hope the little ladies knees and hips hold up real strong, she's so beautiful.

Sue x

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I turned into a cat person relatively recently after having been brought up as a dog person. Now of course I have the passion of a convert for cats and loved this post. :)

Four-eyed-missy said...

Awww, so sorry to hear about your dear Cassie. Hope she recovers! I don't have cats but I have dogs - and one of them fell from the stairs and broke his left front paw. He had to be taken to the vet and he came home with a cast. He had this doleful look in his eyes when he came home but after a couple of weeks, he was back.
Sending some hugs for Cassie and Teddy.
Have a great weekend to you all.

Postcards Crossing

Nanka said...

Bounce back Kitty, you are the brave fearless one!! Meow's to Cassie!! (^-^)

Aimee Dars said...

Great postcard. I hope Cassie is doing well!

Dorincard said...

I don't LOVE that postcard - for a change, in honest feedback. :)
But I like your haiku and I like very much your cats photos!
Best wishes!

Postcard Journeys said...

The postcard and photos are just so lovely!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow how beautiful this postcard!
Oh sweet Cassie,poor little doll, please be positive, I'm praying here and sending you love and good energies to your fast recover.
Please dear Snap, update news during this week!I will be here very anxious to know about Cassie.
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and mommy Léia

Sunshinelene said...

Get well soon to Cassie. I hope her hip bones will be back to normal.

They are beautiful kitties and u posted a beautiful card, too!

Happy PFF!


Anonymous said...

that last photo really captures her beauty... beautiful luna... hope she does well....

Barb said...

Cassie is such a beauty - hope she will be OK.