Friday, July 1, 2011

Elephant Dancing!

elephant dancing
having fun with the adults
acting like children

Elephant Open House
Tess, Auntie, THE kids, Tupelo at the Houston Zoo

THE kids and I went to the elephant open house at the Houston Zoo.
This was my second elephant open house and what fun!
The elephant we are dancing with is Tess, an Asian elephant.
Little Tupelo (Tess' calf) is running along behind us.

Elephant Postcard

I've had great fun matching photos with postcards 
and coming up with a haiku.

This is another postcard from the Memento box. 
The back of the postcard reads:
Today's Art Lesson, 2002, mixed media, 48" x 60"
c. 2004 Inez Storer. From Mementos: 30 Postcards, published by Chronicle Books.

Smile today!

A big thank you to our hostesses:

Wishing YOU well and a joy filled holiday weekend.


Sherry said...

that is so totally cool, so totally YOU to be dancing with an elephant!!!!

Spadoman said...

Well now, this is interesting. I have a Grand daughter that adores elephants. I'll certainly show her the photo and now that she is 7, she can read the haiku herself.
This is a reminder that in her love for the elephant, and my exuberance in attempting to make her life the best it can be, I took her to a place where people can ride the elephants.
If you care to have a look, click HERE
Thanks for the wonderful story and haiklu.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Elephant dancing looks like great fun, although I think it would be a great pain if the elephant's foot accidentally came down on mine!

MJ said...

What wonderful link parties!! Oh gosh, can I even add another? Your postcard and Haiku are beautiful!!

Cezar and Léia said...

This picture is so beautiful, they are so happy and the elephant is cute!
Lovely moments in life!
*** please dear Snap, mommy Léia would love to prepare a collage of Teddy and Cassie, pictures to present my sweet friends in my blog.If you don't mind of course!
purrs from Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

Kim Mailhot said...

What a beautiful Elephant Dance you have shared with us today, Snap ! So fun !
Thanks for that.
Happy Friday, Lovely One !

Leslie said...

i LOVE the idea of dancing with elephants! love that red elephant postcard, too :)

Pondside said...

I have never heard of dancing with elephants. What an
I love the accompanying post card - perfect.

Marit said...

I 'danced with an elephant' when I was in India (long time ago) and I think they are the most wonderful creatures! I love the photo, the haiku and the postcard! Such a happy post, it made me smile!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, So glad to get home and back to blogging. We did have a fabulous trip--but home is pretty nice also!!!!!

Great picture of the 'dancing' elephant... Didn't you love seeing the Parade of the Elephants at the Arches?????

Unknown said...

What a great photo. I bet the Houston Zoo is amazing, everything in Texas is bigger.

I love that sweet postcard too.

Wishing you a lovely weekend and happy 4th.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice kick line!

Kate Tracton said...

Such joy, to be in the presence of dancing elephants!

Love the haiku,

Happy holiday weekend, Snap...



rebecca said...

what could be better than dancing with a joyful elephant???

this collection of postcards intrigues me with its simplistic imagery and deeply pleasing field of layered painting.

wonderful combination of haiku and admonishing!! "write one 100 times...."

Janet said...

Elephant dancing....what fun!! And you found the perfect postcard to go with it.

Happy 4th of July!!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I really love the postcard! I remember that day as if it were yesterday.
"I must not talk in class. I must not talk in class. I must not talk in class...."

Rachel said...

What fun! Enjoyed your picture and colorful post card!

MrCachet said...

It's really too bad you didn't have your best (LEFT) foot forward for that photo! Of course I have a bias - Left-footed and left-handed!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Yeeeeeeehaw! Oh and I love the postcard :D

Heather said...

That is so cool that you could go right up to the Elephant. Wonderful postcard.

Bill said...

I've never danced with an elephant! But now I want to.

Funoldhag said...

Gosh, you all look like you are having a terrific time! Sweet post.

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

Very nice postcard. Surprise treasure from memento box. I was in Thailand when I had an experienced of elephant ride through the jungle. I was surprised when the elephant can swim in the pond.

My Postcard Friendship Friday ENTRY is up. Thanks!

Margaret Pangert said...

And the dancing elephant is truly having the time of its life! Look at the upturned trunk, the glowing eyes! And the little calf hanging out with everyone! What joy!
I also like the red elephant drawing lesson postcard--is he a Republican? ;)

Anonymous said...

Tess looks like she's dancing with you!!

love this!

Barb said...

Everybody was smiling - even Tess!

Cheryl said...

I stood next to an elephant once outside of the big tent. It was wonderful to look into her eyes up close and personal.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I love elephants but have never danced with one. Thanks for this.

Postcard Journeys said...

That's one lovely postcard! Anyway, I think I'd want to dance with an elephant too. Heehee! How about being massaged by it? That's one of the attractions in an elephant park in Thailand. Uhmmm, I don't think I'd do it, though.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

My goodness! You did have fun!!! So enjoyed my visit here! Wishing you well! Cathy

Wildflowerhouse said...

Looks like fun was had by all. Have a great holiday friend.

Rosie said...

This is so wonderful!! Happy Friday! =)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a wonderful photo! Elephants are such delightful animals and so smart!

happy 4th oif July weekend!

Meri said...

Oh boy -- that was me. "I will not talk in class."

Aimee Dars said...

Great photo and adorable postcard. Nice job on the haiku. What a wonderful theme.

Happy PFF.

Dawn Elliott said...

My husband and I had an incredible elephant experience recently, as well, when a circus just appeared down the street from us. The trainer had 3 elephants out and he had them do a pose, just for us! It was a wonderful and totally unexpected treat - gotta love those elephants!

Anonymous said...

What a great pic of you and "the kids" that elephant is amazing. Lucky you. xox Corrine