Friday, June 24, 2011


a box of postcards
art turned into messages
a bargain priced find

Allow Nothing To Worry You

I found the box of postcards on one of my trips to Half-Price Books.
I never know what little treasure I might find when I visit!

I opened the wooden box and picked the first postcard in the box to show you.

The back of the card reads:
Allow Nothing to Worry You, 2002, mixed media on plexiglass, 20" x 24"
c. 2004 Inez Storer, From Mementos: 30 Postcards, published by Chronicle Books

On the bottom of the box:
"Slide off the lid of this wooden box and immerse yourself 
in Mementos - a visual feast of warmth and wit from 
Point Reyes, Calif., artist Inez Storer.
Each of 30 different postcards printed on heavy craft paper
features one of Storer's evocative paintings, collages, or drawings. 
Even after you send them, you'll have a keepsake of your own:
the beautiful silk-screened wooden lid you can hang as art."

I'm thinking there will be a few more posts featuring Mementos!

A big thank you to our hostesses:

We finally had some rain!
Two days of off and on rain.
Not nearly enough to break the drought,
but I'm thankful for the little moisture that we received.

Back to the old weather pattern of hot, humid and no rain.

Wishing YOU well and a fun-filled weekend!


Sherry said...

Even a little bit of rain gives you hope that there will be more. Wishing that for you to break the drought. xo

Love this postcard...what a delightfully beautiful find!

Enjoy your weekend ♥

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

So much rain here, days of down pours and seepage into the basement...I would send you some if I could. I love the yellowy-orange of this card and the sentiment too, of course. Wise counsel.

somepinkflowers said...

~~allow nothing to worry you~~


{{ let me know
how you do That,
i am over here
giving it my best shot}}

Maria said...

"Allow nothing to worry you."

Such a simple statement but very hard to live by. Nice find!

deb did it said...

what a treasure! fabulous find. ~may you remain worry-free~

Janet said...

I'm glad you got some rain. Every little bit helps. No rain here. Probably none until winter.

I really like the postcard....and the message.

Rosie said...

What a great find! Love your accompanying haiku and that you enjoyed the little bit of rain, Snap! Happy Haiku anniversary! =)

viridian said...

A great find. please share more.
Happy PFF.

Beth Niquette said...

What an interesting postcard! I wonder who the artist was? Have a lovely day, my dear!

Happy PFF!

Leslie said...

i love finding treasures like this! your haiku expresses well your joy in your find... and i like the message on that postcard, too :)

Meri said...

treasure trove of images
tucked inside a little box
sold at great value

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

What a wonderful find! Whenever I find anything half price, I discover the reason soon afterwards.

Postcard Journeys said...

That's a great find! Lovely postcard it sure is. :)

Spadoman said...

That does seem like a great find! I'll anticipate seeing more post card mementos. The haiku fits like a glove. We have had nothing but rain lately. Today, the sun came out and i spent hours on ther motocycle. Glad you got what you needed, glad I got what I needed.


Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

Cute little treasures. Unexpected yet it brings happiness in our hearts. That's a nice postcard you got. My PFF Entry is up. Come visit me some time. Thanks!

Pondside said...

I'm glad to read that you finally got some rain - we did too, but we weren't needing it!
I love the cards and look forward to seeing more of them.

Martha said...

What a find!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great find!! love when that happens.

so many places are burning up..we passed a big fire in Santa Fe

happy you got some rain!

Noelle Clearwater said...

It is a very sweet antique card and a very significant message to live by. Thank you for sharing it. A lovely little piece of art. I am glad that you were finally graced with some rain.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

The postcard is gorgeous and look so vantage

foxysue said...

What a find, I just love those bargain book shops. Would love the plexiglass original!

Lovely haiku too!

Sue x

Marit said...

Finds like that are little treasures that lighten our lives! What a wonderful image, and your haiku catches it all! In the Netherlands, we are sick and tired of the rain lately. I'll send it your way! Enjoy the weekend!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Oh lordy, I am so green with envy! I never had any luck finding anything like this. Perhaps I am living in the wrong country!
Would you care for a postcard swap? I know, I'm sorry. I just can't help myself :D

Have a great weekend.

Postcards Crossing

Ramesh Sood said...

Finding happiness
and then have the will to share
You are divine..yes..

Yes, one year is being celebrated.. with more Haikus.. indeed..

gma said...

little box
big message to
haiku all of our hearts.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Interesting and attractive postcards, Snap.

I thought about you immediately when I heard on The Weather Channel that the Houston area had received the first rain since March. I hope it did some good, and that you'll get another shower soon.

Wildflowerhouse said...

A good saying to TRY to live by. Rain I have plenty. I shall huff and puff and try to send some right down... You have a great weekend and carry an umbrella as I am known lately for preforming miracles.LOL

Heather said...

I'm working my way through a box of Penguin Books post cards. What fun it is selecting a recipient for each card.

Rachel said...

"Allow nothing to worry you"

I like this post card. What a great find of post cards turned into messages in a haiku and I really like "a bargain priced find"

Glad you had some rain, praying you will recieve the rain you need!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

How I love these great finds and thanks for sharing. I got some great stuff myself at some garage sales this weekend.

rebecca said...

delicious in every way! i love these surprise offerings in life. so glad you have shared this beauty and i look forward to many more!