Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Giraffe Close up


Jinksy said...

Is the owner of that hairy chin a giraffe, by any chance?

Anya said...


UNIQUE shot......
I have looked very long before i saw what it was ...... LOL

(Thanks for the PC :-) Yesterday i received it hehehe...
so long so FAR ;)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it's licking salt. Is it a donkey, by the way?

Anonymous said...

YOU really love those giraffe's don't you...

Janet said...

Interesting perspective! It took me a minute to figure it out.

Kim Mailhot said...

Is that his tongue ? My niece Katie's favorite animal is a giraffe but I don't think she has seen one from this angle . ;)
Happy Wednesday !

Barb said...

I had to cheat (read the other comments) to discover what your photo is featuring, Snap!