While I've been playing and laughing, I've received two awards. The first one is from my friend Sarah at Cottage Garden Studio. This award is a very special one to Sarah and is not to be passed on by me. I know how much this award means to Sarah and I'm overwhelmed that she decided to bestow it on me. Here's what she said: "Snap is one of those folks that has been with me from the very beginning of my blogging here and has been a constant, amazing support and I think a good friend. I have watched her blog bloom as she has too! I guess I think of her as kind of a mentor -- not sure she knows this -- LOL! Hope she does not mind too much!! Yes....I really like her too!!!"
Thanks, Sarah. I'm delighted to have the tag "mentor". It is an honor. And, I really like you, too!
The second Award is the OVER THE TOP award from my blogging buddy, Barbara at A Bird In My Hand.
So, here are the rules for this one:
Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's quite tricky to use only one word answers! Once you have filled it out be sure to pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers. Alert them that they have been awarded! Have fun!
One word answers have got to be the hardest- but here goes:
1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket
2. Your hair? reddish
3. Your mother? Missed
4. Your father? Missed
5. Your favorite food? Pasta
6. Your dream last night? Stormy
7.Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? Art
9. What room are you in? Studio
10. Your hobby? Gardening
11. Your fear? Illness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Comfortable.
13. Where were you last night? Museum
14. Something that you aren't? Skinny
15. Muffins? Apple
16. Wish list item? Farm
17. Where did you grow up? Albuquerque
18. Last thing you did? Drank
19. What are you wearing? Comfy
20. Your TV? On.
21. Your pets? Cats.
22. Friends? Yes!
23. Your life? Adventure
24. Your mood? Happy
25. Missing someone? Grandson.
26. Vehicle? van
27. Something you're not wearing? Shoes.
28. Your favorite store? Michaels
29. Your favorite color? Yellow
30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Today
32. Your best friend? Husband.
33. One place that I go to over and over? Neighborhood
34. One person who emails me regularly? Carol
35. Favorite place to eat? Home
It is always hard for me to pass on awards, so this is what I've decided to do. I'm going to pass the OVER THE TOP AWARD on to some folks I've just met and a couple of *old* friends.
Here we go:
- Carole
- Melita
- Marie
- JC
- Margo
- Sherry
Please visit them and say Hello and send them a little JOY!
I'm honored to be chosen for this award. Thank you. :-)
I guess I need to put my thinking cap on to answer all those questions! lol
thank you so much. you have made my day! i am honored for the award. and congrats on you getting it as well, you totally deserve it! have a fabulous weekend. hugs!!
Aw hon - so glad ya liked it!! Huge hugs hon - glad you are one of my swans! Huge hugs hon, Sarah
Hi Snap, Congrats on the awards and the winners.. You deserve the awards since you have such an incredible blog.
Glad you are having such a wonderful visit with your family.
Wow...congrats on the awards! It is always so fun to read the one word answers..you really get to the heart of the answer!
Hope you have a splendid weekend!!
Hey Snap! Thank you so much! I am very honored. I agree about the one word answer - very informative and I look forward to giving it a try. Hope you are having a great day :)
Love the one word answers, Snap ! Many of your answers would be the same for me, like best friend=husband and something you're not=skinny. That was fun !
Congrats on the sweet awards, your lovely, lovely Lady !
Wow you're out there taking time off and still get rewards... love it!!!
Great awards for a great lady! I love your answers and one word usually stumps me -- I'm not exactly known for my brevity!! lol!! Thank you so much for bestowing this one me along with these other delightful women.
Next time you're on a break, give me a heads up so I know I'm to on break too!!! :)
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