Friday, August 7, 2009

Camera Critters 70

Camera Critters

I'm posting my critter a little early.
Busy day tomorrow.

Here's one of the furry visitors to Musashi's Garden.

Checking from the neighbors yard.

Looks like the coast is clear.

The folks here were kind enough to set up the buffet.
I'll leave a little for my feathered friends.
Just a little since they have their own feeder.

Ah, that was good.
And they cleaned out the bird bath.
Fresh water this morning!

Have a great weekend.


Pat - Arkansas said...

Love your squirrely photos! They can be voracious pests, but they surely are cute! I have a full family of squirrels, plus their cousins and their neighbors, who drop by to (try to) clean out my bird feeders just about every day.

Janet said...

Cute squirrel pics. I don't see any squirrels where we live....just birds and the occasional butterfly visit our yard.

storyteller said...

What an adorable photo story ;--)
Your squirrel pictures and narrative made me smile. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections. You're right ... Molly IS a 'charmer' ... but then what Lab isn't?
Hugs and blessings,

Pam said...

We have squirrels like this wandering all around our yard. They don't even seem that afraid of us.
This is looks very happy indeed!

Regina said...

Nice captures!

jabblog said...

I love squirrels too and don't mind too much that they eat much of the bird food. Lovely photo story of such engaging creagntures.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Awwww! He's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Cute post and commentary. :)

Misty DawnS said...

Cute photos! I love squirrels!

Anya said...

So cute
I wish he came to my house ^__^

Oskar said...

I love to chase squirrels in my yard!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

A great picture story! :) Thanks for sharing this with us :)

Anonymous said...

Squirrels are hated around my house ... the dogs go nuts! when they see them. lol. cute photos!

Adrienne Zwart said...

I have such mixed feelings about the squirrels. They are adorable, but lately have been so greedy and destructive that I'm finding them difficult to like. I do like the photo of him drinking from the birdbath, though.

i beati said...

See he tried all the courses..sandy

Anonymous said...

Hehehe! So cuuute! You're reading his mind totally completely from the looks of it. It actually looks like that's what he's thinking looking over the fence!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE squirrels. That is a wonderful series of photos. So cute!!

Anonymous said...

What a very cute series of shots! And by the way, the new blog template is very nice!

EG CameraGirl said...

The squirrel kept you and your camera busy! They truly are fun to watch, aren't they?

Susan Cook said...

Awww..cute. I like the one where he is drinking from the bird bath.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute squirrel photos, Snap... What would we do without squirrels to take pictures of?????? ha ha

Your corn chowder sounds wonderful. I may have to try that.

Congrats on the new grandbaby. You do need to head to Nashville soon to see Benjamin.

We're home from a great vacation.. I'll post in the morning.

Janie said...

Your squirrel is an entertaining little guy, always up to something!

Sally in WA said...

Fun series of photos. :-)

mimi said...

what a beautiful cutie squirrel.

sweetbay said...

What cute pictures! I love the shots of him looking over the fence and drinking from the birdbath.

Norm said...

your squirrel are cute and adorable, thanks for the visit and happy weekend..

Maria's Space said...

What a sweetie. I love the squirrels around here. They are just so noisy though.

Unknown said...

These photos are amazing, I find it so difficult to catch these little critters perfectly with my camera. You will have a surprise in the mail hopefully by tomorrow. I hope you enjoy your little painting.


{oc cottage} said...

I know they are naughty little monsters, but I just love them!!!!

m ^..^

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I do so enjoy watching the squirrels...great pics!

Carletta said...

What a really cute photo essay!
Loved it!