Saturday, July 18, 2009

Camera Critters 67

Camera Critters

It's another trip to Musashi's Garden to see more parent and kid pairings -
this time with Robins.

Here's Mom.
When she saw me come to the door to take her picture
she stayed just long enought to have her portrait done
and off she went.
She had been feeding this little one.

Junior looked very surprised to have Mom fly off.

Are you the reason why Mom left?
Hey! You! The one with the camera!
Is it your fault?

I think I'll just ignore her.

While Mom is gone, I'll take a bath.

(Click to see the photos larger.)

Enjoy your weekend.

Joy to You!


JunieRose2005 said...

Oh! I enjoyed seeing this birdie in the bath!
Thanks for sharing this.


Sue Swift said...

Sweet - I hope he found his mum again eventually though :)

Anonymous said...

Not easy to capture the birds and their young - good shots of them both.

Jane said...

You were lucky to catch them, thanks for sharing them with us:)

Janie said...

Cute photos and dialogue of mom and the youngster.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Your robins are so different to our British ones with their redbreast. So sweeet.

Anya said...

Great job to make those shots :)
Fantastic action pictures !!

i beati said...

your cats on the sidebar so pretty sandy

JD and Max said...

Aw - sweet photo story! Great photos too, especially bearing in mind how difficult it must be to snap a bird!

Anonymous said...

Love the way you the series of shots tells a story. What a fun view you have.

Anonymous said...

Cute photos and cute story

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Aren't the Robins just adorable, Snap????? I could watch my birds 24/7 I think!!! They are more entertaining than the TV!!!!!

Have a great weekend.

jabblog said...

Wonderful! Your robins are so different to ours in the UK - most interesting!

Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful birds! You have captured them well :) Happy weekend, and thanks for stopping by :)

Thumbelina said...

That's cute! Love your commentary. Great shots.

Unknown said...

That is so cute! I love birds!

Your hubbies art in the previous post is amazing! :)

Sharon said...

Cute little birds. I am finding out how fun it is to be a birdwatcher!

Bradley Hsi said...

Only this summer when I came back to our home on Cape Cod, I started to notice Robin in our yard. but I have never seen a young one before. They are usually so alert and difficult to photograph, well done.

storyteller said...

What a delightful photo story ... very creative and fun to view. Mine's at Small Reflections this week.
Hugs and blessings,

Glennis said...

Rather a pretty bird, and now a nice clean one as well.

Norm said...

love those cute and gorgeous birds, thanks for the visit.

Sweet Journey

Grammy said...

Thoses are wonderful photos. I love to watch the baby beg mom feed me. They are so adorable.

Kate Tracton said...

There a wild world happening in our backyards... It's nice to be able to take the time to notice it.


Rosa said...

Love them!

Anonymous said...

so sweet. great pics:)

SquirrelQueen said...

Aww, that is just too cute. The little one does look a puzzled as to why mom left.
Great photos and story.

Pat - Arkansas said...

How lovely to capture the sequence. My bird baths are not located where it's easy to get photos, so I miss a lot of interesting opportunities, I'm sure. Love the "expression" on the young robin's "face." :)

Sally in WA said...

I see adult robins all the time but never the youngsters. Nice set of pictures and story. :-)